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International Parenting Summit Mini-Series


All parents get frustrated at times. Some of us lose patience more often than we’d like.

Feeling angry and managing our negative emotions in positive and healthy ways can give us the chance to set a good example for our children. Calm parents are better at helping children handle frustration. 

Have you ever been upset with yourself about how you behaved as a parent during periods of frustration?

Do you do find that when you have a 'good day' your kids have 'a good day' as well?

Did you notice that when you have an emotional day your children mirror that? It's almost as if when it rains it pours.

Children feed on our emotions and we at times feed off of theirs. Wouldn't it be nice to have some skills, tips, and actionable steps up our sleeve to know how to respond in frustrating situations?


Your Summit Host

Malva Gasowski


Mary Wilde

Grounding strategies to help keep us calm


Crystal Haitsma

Emotional Zones and their navigation


Stacy Spensley

Wouldn't it be great if we could stay calm all the time?


Danielle Murphy Faris

Parents cannot be effective in teaching appropriate coping strategies if they themselves cannot remain calm while managing a difficult scenario


Nidhi Gupta

Importance of "Responding" rather than "Reacting"


Linda Hayes-Cooper

Co-regulation between parent and infant enhances self-regulation within the child


Melissa Corkum

Why You Don't Have to Stay Calm to be a Good Parent


Danielle Bettmann

Our power is found in our composure


Punam Saxena

Staying calm helps your child feel safe and secure


Michael Larson

Questions to ask ourselves to see if we are emotionally parenting


Renee Lowry

Why it is unrealistic to believe you can be the perfect calm mentor all the time?


Mary Peterson Cook

A storm can not calm a storm


Amy Carpenter

How to have a conversation with our own anxiety as adults so we can teach our children how to better manage their own


Meaghan Jackson

What to do when children push your buttons?


Alex Pin

L.O.V.E - 4 Step game plan to staying calm in any situation


What's inside?

Listen to the panel of experts talking about


Calm Parents are Better at Helping Children handle Frustration
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Calm Parents are Better at Helping Children Handle Frustration

Parenting is hard. Recent studies show that parents agree raising children nowadays is more difficult than in the past generations. One major reason is the sheer expectation we have to "get it right" based on a given parenting approach, another is the pressure we put on ourselves to be the "perfect parent" while balancing many different demands including work, family time, household chores, children's activities, and social activities.

The next time frustration occurs, try one of the ideas shared during this International Parenting Summit.

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