How can you build harmony with your strong-willed child?  Listen to experts and fellow parents share their stories and tips to overcoming daily obstacles.


Preparing for a conversation with our strong-willed child is not the same as preparation for a battle.

In this episode of the Understanding Your Strong-Willed Child Podcast, I speak with Denise Suarez, a parent coach and mom.

A lot of times, when we have strong-willed children before we start talking to them, we're already preparing out mindset to be 'oh, this is going to be so hard, another negotiation, another battle to jump into'. Instead, how about we try to connect with them, on their level with an open mind to understanding their behaviour and maybe even approaching the conversation with curiosity.

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Preparing for a conversation with our strong-willed child is not the same as preparation for a battle.
Understanding Your Strong-Willed Child

About the speaker

Denise Suarez is a parent coach who is driven by her desire for all children to feel loved and accepted. She knows the best way for her to do this is by helping the children's parents enjoy parenting more. Through mindset shifts and simple communication skills, she gives parents the tools and support they need to become the parent they want to be - and the parent their children need them to be.


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