Hello and welcome

My name is Malva. I am a mom of 3, a coach, your summit host, and a businesswoman. I wear many hats but make sure my family comes first.

Welcome to the International Parenting Summit Series, which aims to help you enjoy parenting a little more.

I have invited some expert friends, from around the world, to shed some light on difficulties, issues and most importantly answers to child-rearing and parenting difficulties you may be facing.

Come on this journey to enjoy parenting a little more with the help of experts in the field. Let's use their years of education and experience and get the essence of Positive Parenting and actionable steps to implement it at your fingertips.

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Join our Summits

Find the perfect weekend to learn more about parenting.

Start learning immediately.

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Teaching Communication to your Children


Communication is fundamental to children's development; babbling, crying, first, sign language, first sentences. Children need to be able to understand and be understood to thrive in the family and later in the society. 

🌿  Do you want to improve how you communicate with your family?

🌿  How do we teach our children to communicate in a two-way manner with respect?

🌿  Should we make room for our children to state their opinions?

🌿  How can we have theirs and our needs met? 

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Calm Parents are Better at Helping Children Handle Frustration

All parents get frustrated at times. Some of us lose patience more often than we’d like. Children feed on our emotions and we at times feed off of theirs too. Feeling angry and managing our negative emotions in positive and healthy ways can give us the chance to set a good example for our children. 

🌿  Have you ever been upset with yourself about how you behaved as a parent during periods of frustration?

🌿  Did you notice that when you have an emotional day your children mirror that? 

🌿  Do you want to know how to co-regulate?

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Helping Children Develop Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is liking yourself and believing in yourself.
Learn how you can help your child believe in themselves even if you had not yet mastered that skill. 
Self-esteem helps children face challenges, try new things, learn and develop well. It's a must-have to enjoy life to it's fullest at a young age and when they grow up.
Loving relationships, balanced feedback and encouragement are good for children's self-esteem.
🌿  What exactly do I need to do to improve my child's self-esteem?
🌿  Are positive affirmations toward my child enough?
🌿  My child is shy, how can they be confident?
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Finding a Successful Approach to Disciplining Children


🌿  How can we teach our children to follow the house rules?

🌿  What do I do when the rules are broken?

🌿  How do I encourage my child to listen to me?

🌿  What do I do to discipline them? 


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Nurturing Relationships Through the Thick and The Thin

However, if you feel that:

🌿  Communication in the family is breaking down

🌿  Parents don’t seem to recognize or understand their children’s (or each other’s) behaviour

🌿  A family member’s emotional health is deteriorating

🌿  Family members don’t enjoy being together


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Conflict Management at Home

 🌿  What are the causes of conflict at home?

🌿  How to resolve conflict once it happens?

🌿 How do you get siblings to stop fighting?

🌿  Did you know that children can get the feeling of anxiety when they witness adults fighting?

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Do you have a spirited child?

Here is a workshop summit just for you.

Strong Willed Child Summit

Have you ever had screen wars with your children?

Here is a workshop summit just for you.

Digital Wellness Education Summit
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"Wow! Just Wow. The talks were so concise. I thought it would be just promos of the speakers but this was good, no, great stuff."

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"I have loved everything about this summit. Thank you for putting it together. I can't wait to share some of what I've learned with my audience on my blog ."

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"I just wanted to thank you for the helpful information you shared during the summit. I found it dealt with a lot of issues that are currently going on with my family during divorce. Thank you" 

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Less stress more fun 

Less yelling more cuddles.

Who doesn't want that?


Summit Series Access Overview 

See how you can access all the amazing summit topics. 

These courses are 100% online and self-paced, which allows you to start and stop at any time and as often as necessary to accommodate your schedule. The knowledge is delivered through videos, audio, reading materials  and bonuses  (some online in person)

Summit Weekend


Basic Access

🌿  international parenting experts helping you lay out a plan to help you understand the topic discussed

🌿  access to workshops recording for 30 days

🌿  downloadable audio of the workshops to listen on the go

🌿  downloadable transcripts as notes to read when you have a quiet moment

🌿  weekend learning at your fingertips




Monthly Learnings


Most Popular

🌿 worldwide parenting experts at your fingertips with tips and teaching that have become life changing to millions of families around the world

🌿 monthly drip of recordings of all summits

🌿  downloadable audio of the workshops to listen on the go

🌿  downloadable transcripts as notes to read when you have a quiet moment

For only $37/month for a year of hands on learning from the best experts.